I was pretty amused at the sight I was greeted with when I got up this morning as I was preparing to prime the shed's trim.
Do you remember how we discussed the fact that Speedy carried stuffed animals, slippers, and other soft furry things around the house? Then she yowled over the prize she "caught".
She doesn't stop the yowling once you praise her for the good work either. (I thought that some of your stories may help us figure out this puzzle. Apparently she's not looking for praise.) Anyway, LOOK what she's been bringing up lately!
No, not those video game remotes behind her. In front of her. She has some rubber animals. One of them is understandable since it is gray and has a tail, if your eyesight isn't so good it COULD conceivably be mistaken as a mouse. The other one? Not so much. A bright green dragon with wings? How could that be mistaken for a mouse of any sort? Weird cat.
Oops, geez! Where did the time go? I'd better go make dinner before we head off for football practice!
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Well it is in their nature to bring us "presents". I would rather my cat bring me toys than they stuff he tries to drag in. :)
Cinj, I don't have any cats these days, but I'm with PG - I'd rather get those toys than the beheaded vole and partial mice an ex cat of mine used to bestow upon me. It was really bad in the morning without my glasses on since I'd have to bend down close to whatever mutilated rodent our cat decided to gift us with. EEEWWWW!
Well that beats a dead rat on the doorstep...My cat insist that he share his catch with me. I would rather he didn't but he is so proud what can I say but gee thanks!!!LOL(-: Your cat is a crack up with his rubber toys(-:
Mine all do the yowling, "look at me the mighty hunter" thing with their toys, too. And they do want attention and praise (they stop after sufficient attention has been paid by us and the other cats). I'd say your little darling thinks that dragon looks like a lizard---another cat favorite. And unlike everybody else, I'm nothing but grateful if our cats catch mice rather than leaving them to run around and chew up everything!
lol, you gotta love cat antics. They are so funny.
PG- My cats don't go outside so I'm not sure they'd know what to do with anything out there.
Poor Linda, I can imagine. I used to have a cat that was a very good hunter. Luckily she never brought us the gifts since she much preffered to eat them.
Cindee- I suppose there's not really much else to "catch" in the house. Unless a wild mole happens to make it's way in here.
Ben- I can see your point. I just hope they would keep their lovely gifts outside though.
Kathleen- You've got that right.
LOL!!! Good kitty!
We have two indoor only cats. Of the two Sheba is the hunter while Cheetah only brings us a string (snake as I call it) to us to play. Sheba is serious with her catches and seems to want praise for her gifts. Only problem is, she brings us the gifts around midnight each night while we are in the bed! Talk about an annoying habit!
One morning as I was making up the bed, I counted 4 toy mice in bed with us. My only thought was, thank goodness we don’t have outside cats with a cat door!
Friends of the Saints has a cat door and they have been brought live snakes in bed by their grateful cat! Arggg, could you imagine waking up to a snake in the cat’s mouth while standing on your chest looking at you? Whoa, Cat door would be locked at night!
How cute! one of my cats drags around an old sock with a knot in the middle. Aren't they fun?
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