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Testing, testing, 1,2,3

It's been an hour since I switched my feed (again. Sorry) so I can be picked up at blotanical. It seems everyone forgets to stop by lately and I've been feeling a bit lonely. I hope that this is the fix this time. I tried Stuart's new procedure and my posts came through on the test this time. It's been about an hour so here goes nothing!

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Anonymous said...

I can see it and not to burst your bubble but I have tried several feeds and it doesn't work. One time it even came up as some guy in Indonesia. I think it may have been hacked in to??

kd said...

I just saw it appear on Blotanical (that's how I got here). I'm hoping that my posts appear there as well (I just finished implementing Stuart's workaround a few minutes ago).


Stuart said...

Great to have you back Cinj. Apologies for the delay and I hope you get some traffic coming back your way.

garden girl said...

Yeah Cinj! Hopefully the fix will work for all of us lonely Blotanical blogs!

Sue Swift said...

Hi Cinj,

I'm back on Blotanical too - what a relief. I left a comment for Stuart saying I felt I'd been allowed to return from exile ...

You're right. It's been really lonely out there.

Anonymous said...

Glad you to see you back in Blotanical Cinj!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cinj! Yup, you're back! What a relief!!!!

Unknown said...

Yay!!!!! Glad it seems to be working again. Nice to have some company again. Good luck to those still working on their work arounds!

Anna- Was they guy from indonesia on my feed or yours? That's weird. I wonder why someone may want to hack into a feed?

tina said...

Looks like you are back as everyone has said. I never come here from Blotanical, I use my sidebar.

Barbee' said...

You are coming through loud and clear! And, Stuart made a rhyme :)