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Happy Anniversary

Today is our anniversary, the day I married my best friend and soul mate. It's been 13 years since Cheesehead and I got married. Where in the world did the time go? Do you have that problem too? The time just gets away from me and there's no stopping it. I can't for the life of me remember why in the world we wanted to get married in March though. Brr. It's freezing just like it was my wedding day. Both the day before and the day after were nice days for March, sunny and calm winds, but the 2nd? Not so. It seems like it was only yesterday....

The wind whipped around like crazy and I wasn't sure the 50+ (I counted them later) bobby pins that held my hair in place would be enough to withstand the perilous weather conditions. Thankfully Cheesehead forced me to get my hair done professionally that day so my hairstyle was perfectly cemented in place with probably a full bottle of extra strength hairspray. Two of my bridesmaids were going to go to the salon together the morning before our wedding. Apparently he gave them the money it would cost for me to get my hair done too, so they made appointments for all three of us. I didn't know it at the time, I thought they were being sweet and helping me out since I was cutting every possible corner with the costs for our wedding.

That's just one of the great things about Cheesehead. He's kind, thoughtful, and unselfish. He puts others before himself and always tries to be polite (which also hurts his health in my opinion). He's the best friend I have. I don't know what I would do or who I would be without him and his unending support behind me.

It's like we're two halves of the same person. When he thinks of something, I usually think of the same thing. He'll ask me were I want to eat and we usually both have the same restaurant in mind. It seems like he can read my mind. When I'm too tired to clean up after dinner, he'll offer to clean up even though he just worked all day.

He helps me remember not only the dreamy sides of my creativity that I get so hung up on, but also the reality side. When I am certain that I will have a bountiful, weed-free garden brimming with perfect, ripe veggies he's there to reel me in. If I think I am able to take care of a 20x30 garden my first year back in the garden circuit he's here to gently remind me that it will be much more work than I remember. When I forget the children will probably refuse to help me after the first few days of gardening, he's right there to pull me back to planet earth.

I wish I could just take the day off and spend it with him, but he has to go to some meetings in Eau Claire and stay overnight tonight. If he had some time off I might think about trying to go with him but the meetings go long into the night and start bright and early the next morning.

Honey, I love you more today than ever. Know that even though we can't be together you'll be on my mind all day.

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



tina said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! What a lovely tribute to him.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Cinj .. Happy Anniversary girl & Cheesehead (that is so cute) .. What a wonderful post to mark your anniversary with : )
We were married April 9th (many years ago) and there were snow banks and freezing temps (Ottawa .. our countries capital for those who have no idea what our capital is ? LOL)
In any case .. hope you two eventually have a nice evening together and celebrate !
I love the new look to your blog girl !!

Heather said...

Cinj- Congrats! A milestone for sure. Hope you enjoy your day and all it has to offer. The snow is a nice addition.

Gail said...

Dear Cindy, What a lovely post...I am so glad to say Happy Anniversary to you two! May you always feel the joy you do today! gail

Nola said...

Happy anniversary! What, no pictures of the big event? Hope you do something special today to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 13 years together Cinj! Time does fly doesn't it. Me & my hubby will be celebrating 21 years together this July. I think the kids make it go faster, lol.

RURAL said...

Congrats, we who have found our soul mates are truly blessed.


CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Happy Anniversery! Congrats on 13 wonderful years together. I hope you have many more!!!! Time does fly. We just celebrated our 27th!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. In a world ever changing, it is good to be married to someone you love.~~Dee

Lona said...

Happy Anniversary!! Here's to many more years together.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

How sweet, this brought tears to my eyes! It's wonderful to find that perfect person! Happy Anniversary!

Barbee' said...

Congratulations to both of you. That is a beautiful tribute, a lovely read. Wish we could clone him and spread him around.

Anonymous said...

Cinj, dear, bless your heart! What a beautiful tribute (as Barbee' said) to a beautiful marriage. Here's wishing you 130 more fantastic years together!!!

Victoria Summerley said...

Happy anniversary, Cinj! It sounds like you have a really special guy, and a really special relationship.

Syl said...

I remember it too like it was yesterday. Your wedding was really beautiful and I couldn't have been happier. Thanks for letting be a part of it.

Dawn said...

Happy anniversary! It sounds like you will have many more!

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

Happy anniversary. He sounds like a great guy.

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Congratulations! I got divorced just shy of my 13th wedding anniversary... so I guess time passed slower. I also married my best friend, but he wasn't my soul mate. It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy when couples can change in compatible ways and are genuinely happy together over time.

Victoria Williams said...

Happy Anniversary!! And many more.

Unknown said...

Thanks to all for stopping by! I'm sure hoping to keep him healthy enough to hang around for a very long time.

I'm sure we'll get a day together one of these days. Maybe this weekend? We'll see. We're supposed to have company though.

I would share pictures, but for some reason neither of my printers (scanners) will function with my laptop and the dinosaur computer has crashed and refuses to cooperate. One day soon I hope to get to some of my older pictures somehow, but that may cost me some money that I don't have right now. Sigh. I really haven't forgotten. That reminds me yet again about that high school post I was going to write.

Anonymous said...

Oh Cinj, this post warms my heart. I love to hear about happily married couples like you and your husband. It gives me hope and faith that it could happen to all of us. Belated congratulations on 13 years of marriage. I think Jen was right when she said those who have found their soulmates are truly blessed. No matter what other troubles you have, finding each other is one of the greatest blessings of all. Cheers to many more years together.