Firstly, I am not sure whose idea it was to have this crazy holiday called Christmas right in the middle of prime lap sitting and cat entertaining season. I have an owner who likes to sit on the couch and pet me all day when it's too cold and snowy to go out in the garden, it's not like she has anything else to do. Sometimes she likes to entertain me with yarn and a metal hook or thread and small metal needles. Personally, I'd be much happier if she just got rid of those pesky metal pieces when she wants to play with me, but she seems to prefer using metal stuff for some reason. I assume they must be some sort of counterweights or something. Anyway, this whole Christmas business takes her away from our favorite spot to sit together and she is entirely too busy for our scheduled dates on the couch.
Startled by the unexpectedness of this experience, I opened one eye to find treats raining down from above. Black, crumbly pieces of sweet tasting goodies were falling on the floor. Boy, did they smell good! I got up, but she wouldn't even let me eat them. Party pooper!
My second complaint has to do with this weird tree that looks like it's made of pine needles, but it's not. It doesn't smell or taste like pine, but somehow I keep forgetting that. I like to play with the nice toys she set up for my sister and I to play with a couple of weeks ago that hang from this tree. Why else would someone put things that dangle from branches of a tree up?
Some of my favorite toys are the ones she made with a string of white pearls that I can rip right off of the bigger, red beaded part of the ornament. So far I have managed to dismantle 4 of these, what fun! I also tried playing with a yellow bear that was playing a drum once, but he ended up being no fun at all. She yelled at me for playing in my new playground too. What is it about this holiday that makes her so darn grumpy anyway?
Then there are these fun paper wrapped boxes that sit under the weird tree too. I like to chew on the neatly folded corners to see if I can get some of that clear sticky stuff off of them. I don't know what her problem is, they open them too...
My final complaint is all of the screeching she likes to do while listening to the radio. I mean she does this occasionally during the rest of the year, but this time of year she screeches along with almost all of the songs that she hears. It's exhausting, I tell you. It's almost enough to make me want to pack my bags and move out!
Thank you for stopping by to chat with me. Please leave me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
This was such a cute post. It's not much fun being a cat during Christmas, just lots of trouble to get in.
Oh, Speedy, in a couple weeks things will go back to normal, so if you're going to play with the toys on the tree, you better do it soon. Tell Cinj I said, "Merry Christmas!"
Dear Speedy,
I feel your pain! I have had a terrible time too. Its all to time consuming and my Mom is just way to busy for me)-: I do however enjoy the little tid bits that fall on the floor(-: My Mom rarely says no to those(-:
Hang in there the season is almost over...and Santa that big fat dude with the red suit might even drop something off for you!!!! Thats what my Mom said anyhow! It might all be worth it in the end!
Captain Jack
You said it Catherine!
Sue- I play with them every chance I get. She must be slowing down though, usually by the time it's this close to Christmas I can't reach any ornaments anymore.
Jack- I don't know why she won't let me eat the crumbs, I suppose it may be because she doesn't like to clean up the messes I make after eating those goodies. Somehow those little bits don't seem to agree with my stomach.
Ho ho ho - our cats like to play those games too! Skimble is investigating a giant paper bag at the moment - it contained some presents for our nephew, but now lies empty now they've been wrapped. Far too tempting for a cat though!
Have a wonderful Christmas and here's to a wonderful 2010 for you and yours.
Sorry but I'm having trouble reading your blog due to background.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas & will have a great New Year.
Naughty kitty! =^^=
Awwww, you are such a cutie. I'm sure by now everything has gotten back to normal. You are a good story teller and I loved reading about your life there. I think most pets would understand what you went through. Happy New Year!
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