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Summer Update

Wow, this summer has been flying by entirely too fast. I just thought I'd share a couple of updates with you all.

There seemed to be quite a bit of interest in my Ubiogrow vs Miracle grow experiment that I started this spring/early summer. I had to end that experiment rather quickly, the plants were not doing well because the strawberry bags they were planted in dried out entirely too fast. It was a very wet and rather hot summer. The plants were salvaged and planted in areas of my garden that had already been harvested. It took quite some time for the plants to recover, but they are flowering beautifully now. I hope to get at least a little bit of produce from them before the weather gets too cold.

I have been a canning and freezing fool this summer. My cupboards are fairly bursting with freshly canned produce and, though son left the freezer wide open when a friend stayed over, we managed to fill the freezer too. I am very thankful that God has been providing so plentifully for us and I hope that he continues with his generosity.

We have salsa, cucumber relish, dill pickles, tomato sauce, tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, carrots, apple sauce, many kinds of beans, and a variety of jams and jellies. Tomorrow I plan on canning corn, cream corn, corn soup, and corn relish. I sure hope the kids will like the new recipes, I have sampled them and find them to be quite delightful. I am trying to make a wide variety of foods so the family won't get bored eating the same things all the time and my hubby likes to have ready to use canned goods for us to make quick meals with.

We have also been working on training our new dog that we rescued from the shelter in May. Buddie has kept us extremely busy.

The children have helped us pick choke cherries, black berries, and apples so far this summer too. The birds ate all of the blue berries, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries that we planted recently, but I'm hoping to get a harvest from them next year. Our asparagus and rhubarb will also hopefully be ready for us to harvest from next year.

Thank you for stopping by to chat with me. Please leave me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Cindy

1 comment:

Barbee' said...

WOW! I am sooooo impressed. What a hardworking, busy little bee you have been.