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No news yet!

I haven't heard from the banks yet, so I'm still on the edge of my seat. I'm hoping that everything works out. You'd think they'd want to take what they can get and run with it right about now, God knows I do! I'll post more when I find something out. At least I don't have any jobs lined up for tomorrow yet. I'm going to take the day off in case I need to do some running or something. I NEED to sell that house!


Anonymous said...

I'm still praying!!! It's a nail bitter isn't it? I can't stand not knowing. I get my updates from my realtor every Tuesday. I guess I'll find out tomorrow if the couple that came on Sunday liked it or not. How can they pass up my good dirt!! Hugs to ya Cinj--I know it's hard.

Unknown said...

I have SUCH a headache. If the banks and/or realtor don't start calling in the next 1/2 hours I'm going to be getting on the phone. The suspense is KILLING me! I can't stand it!

Your buyers will come, don't fret! You have a long time before you'll have two mortgages. When does it start greening up around there anyway? Here we pretty much have to wait for April. I know, UGH!

You know my buyers must not be too worried about gardens. They're pretty hard to see when they're buried under a thick blanket of snow!

*Linnie* said...

Hi Cinj! I've noticed you posting at Anna's so I thought I should come over and say howdy!!! It's very nice to meet ya.

Wish you the best of luck in selling your home!!!!


Anonymous said...

I guess your phone didn't ring!!! Aggravating isn't it?