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Crying my heart out

SO sorry that I didn't act more understanding when you left HGTV Anna. I tried to stand up for us and our dissappearing posts from the other day when we both posted updates. Who knew that someone you don't even know could make you feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest and stepped on? I got the email today. It made me feel so small and cheap. Like I was trying to sell myself or something. That was enough to make me want to write them off forever. How can they bring us all together only to drive a wedge between us all? I just got done sending a pm to Grntea and Idaho telling that I would also no longer be returning. I've been crying my eyes out ever since. I refuse to go back there for any more humiliation, even if it means I never hear from either of them again. I need a box of kleenex and a gallon of chocolate ice cream!


Anonymous said...

I'm going over to hgtv to see what you are talking about. I'm guessing you sent hgtv a complaint about them deleting our updates--and they wrote you back saying you were off topic. They do it all the time. Brb--going to see what your pm says. I'm sorry you feel badly. I think they, the person who reports us, don't like it that we get a lot of views. Being popular like you were at hgtv makes you a target for trolls. Blotanical is a much better world.

I thrive off communication and love getting responses so blogging is better for me. Don't feel bad you were attacked by hg or the troll. There use to be whole wonderful net of people on the decorating board and they've all but disappeared cause of trolls and hg's way of deleting whole post. It's not just you!!! It is someone or some thing bigger than hg.

Big hugs to you and you are not alone!!! I'm going to go read you pm on hg now--brb.

Anonymous said...

I came to HG's message board near the end of the deleting Anna's posts thing. I read your posts, as well as Anna's, and enjoyed them...getting caught up in your stories, feeling your house-selling pain. As the HG view-counter showed, there were a lot of people interested in what you had to say and they were coming back to HG regularly. Isn't that the purpose of a message board like HG? Isn't that what they want? There's only so much that can be said within HG's unusually strict "rules" without it getting redundant and, maybe even a bit boring. As long as a poster isn't abusive, immoral or doing anything illegal, (which you weren't, of course) I honestly don't see what their problem was with your posts. In my opinion, it really is HG's or, as Anna says, a "troll"s problem--doesn't really matter whose, it is not yours, so don't let it get you down. Completely not worth shedding a single tear over! Life is just too short!

Start planning what you're going to do in your garden once spring arrives in your neck-of-the woods!

Unknown said...

Anna- Well, not exactly. They said I was using hgtv to advertise my house and to draw people to my blog. Both are outright lies and it hurt me that people thought I was vindictive like that.

I'm not so popular over at Blotanical. I suppose it's because I don't get the exposure and I'm not making my posts all about plants. That's okay though, I just hope to get people who like to discuss both plants AND other life events!

I love to communicate with others too, I just can't seem to build up a following like you did. Oh well!

Lin- Thanks. I figured that's what message boards were all about too. Apparently I was wrong. It's sad, I used to see at least 6 or 8 members on the boards logged in when I visited. The past couple of months I was lucky if I stumbled across one other member. I could see the tumble weeds blowing through! Oh well, I guess it's their loss, right?

Thanks again to both of you! I'm feeling better today. After my crying spree I spent lots of time drawing out plans for my new gardens and researching deer resistant zone 3 plants. I've got a 2 page list to go through, I'll see if I can find some pictures of them on the internet and maybe make a new post about it.

Anonymous said...

Glad you feel better today. They told me I was advertising my house too. HG doesn't know what it's doing over there and they are in trouble with the cable systems. Our cable network is thiniking of dropping them. They are going to pick up Discovery Home. The answer they gave you is their pet answer for anyone they delete. They are overwhelmed with the process of monitoring their boards and have lost control. They would rather offend you than support the faithful few.

There are so many new names on some of the boards that I do go because it has lost its charm.

Stuart is allowing more non garden bloggers to the blotanical site so your blog will grow slowly--but it will grow.

Hugs to ya today!!!

Anonymous said...

Cinj, remember...sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me! I hope you keep in mind that HG's loss is our gain...people will come, it takes time. I try to remember why I blog, partially for my family and grandchildren to read when I am gone. Thank you for who you are and chin up, the sun is out today!

Kathi :)

Unknown said...

Kathi- Thanks for the reminder. I've always known that, but I seem to forget sometimes!

It sure was a beautiful day today!