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Do NOT Copy

Does anyone have an umbrella that I can borrow?

This is where the whole gallon of paint spilled. Nice color, wasn't it?

This is where son started walking AFTER stepping in the previous paint puddle.

OMG! Seriously? As if I don't have enough to deal with.

Do you remember how I was going to paint to relieve my stress the other day... but couldn't because I couldn't find my stuff? Well, stupidly I left the paint and supplies in the corner of the room I was planning to paint- you know, so I wouldn't have to gather what I actually DID find up again? (hits self on forehead with heel of hand) Talk about STUPID!!!!

Kids haven't played in that room for MANY days. Guess what? They decided to play in there tonight. Knocked the gallon of paint on it's side! It was my gorgeous purple paint that I freecycled from the paints at my old house. I loved the color! So, now the whole gallon is spilled all over the light beige carpeting that's not even two years old yet. UGH!

If that weren't bad enough... I was going to take a picture of it so I could at least document the color and my camera is broke! Not to mention the fact that I can't get to the point where no more paint comes out of the carpet when I blot it with a paper towel.

Any ideas how to get the carpet clean? Cheesehead is going to totally freak out when I tell him about this fiasco!


Anonymous said...

Oh NO! Isn't it amazing how your children can open a can of paint but I bet when they need to open some cardboard thingy they're right there saying "Mommy, can you open this for me?" LOL...I am so sorry that happened, I think you may need to get new carpet. I'm sure the carpet has soaked up all the paint to the point of no return. Get a camera from somewhere because these moments are priceless! :) Did they at least come and tell you or run away and hide :)

Gail said...

That is terrible...would your homeowners insurance cover it? I am with minnesota kathi I think it's goodbye to the carpet or hello to a nice area rug over the whole thing.


Unknown said...

Kathi- Um, yes. Gee I can open a can of paint, but YOU need to open my can of pop for me. Hmm. Go figure! Sheer laziness.

Gail- Not enough damage to really bother with. We're going to wait for carpet remnants to go on sale at Menards and then Cheesehead is going to have some friends come over to help us lay it. He's already been pricing it up.

It soaked all the way through the pad I'm sure since it's a never ending fountain of purple paint. No throw rugs for me. I don't want that to turn purple too!

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you the BEST (or worst) part of all of this! They deny having any knowledge whatsoever about this issue. I guess the paint can opened itself and knocked itself over as well. I'm still working on figuring out a good punishment. I though about having them do work around the house to pay it off, but I think it would take them FOREVER to do that.

I guess I think they should be punished more for the pretending they didn't do it and lying about it than actually doing the feat itself. I'm just not sure what would go along with it to help them learn the best lesson.

Anonymous said...

Hey---I have an idea! I would say to test this idea in a corner--but who cares right? Get some rubbing alcohol and soak the area. Keep dabbing up the alcohol and I think it will come out. It may take a lot of alcohol--but it takes the pait out of clothes. Let me know!

Unknown said...

Anna- Thanks for the tip. I'll have to try it. I guess at this point it really wouldn't matter where I tried it since the carpet's pretty well ruined anyway. I'm afraid though that even if I get the paint out of the top layers, wouldn't the pad underneath still be hard and stiff?

Sharon said...

What a mess. Do you have any of that carpet left over? If you do, you can cut out the damaged part and fit the remnant into it and it will look as good as new. Someone spilled red koolaide on my mothers cream carpet she had some left over carpet that she had fitted into the damaged space and you couldn't see where it had been replaced. I had my kitten walk thru my paint pan this weekend and get paint all over his feet and tail and they take off. I was lucky because it was an unfinished floor and I got the cat before he got on the carpet. He wasn't very happy about getting a bath, but the next day he was again checking out the paint I was using, at least he didn't walk in it. Good luck with your carpet.

Anonymous said...

LOL...priceless! I had the same purple paint in my bedroom when I was a teen! It was my David Cassidy days...LOL!

Unknown said...

Sharon- Funny you should mention that! We DO have some left. I mentioned it to Cheesehead and he wanted nothing to do with it. Apparently he's afraid we'll have seems or something.

I'm gong to make an attempt to clean it when the kids go to MIL's tomorrow. So far I've been a bit busy/lazy to deal with it. Plus I've been waiting by the phone willing it to ring.

Sharon said...

When my mother had the koolaide accident, she had a professional carpetlayer cut and fit in the piece and you couln't see the fitted piece. It wouldn't hurt to call a carpet layer and find our what they think and what they would charge. It would certainly beat buying all new carpet.