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No news yet!

Still waiting to hear. I don't want to be a complete pest, but this is just ridiculous. I mean, how long in 48 hours supposed to be in their world? Last I checked my math that would be 2 days.

I have SUCH a headache. I haven't been sleeping well lately so I pretty much dozed on the couch next to the phone all day. When I was conscious I was trying to will the phone to ring with news. Now I'll probablt have to wait until Monday at the earliest to hear anything.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about AnnA's offer! Can NOT believe the bank would tell you 48 hrs and then not even manage to do it. Geez, Louise. What on EARTH could they even be DOING all this time? Let us know as soon as you hear. Good luck!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hang on Cinj--it could be good news since they didn't answer you so quickly. They may even wait till after Tuesday when the feds are suppose to make another announcement. All this waiting means they aren't saying NO! They did my brother this way too. I think it took them 3 months to hear back from the bank. You won't have to wait that long--but you may have to wait till after Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Waiting isn't easy, is it? Hoping you have good news early Monday moring!

Maybe a distraction would help...coloring Easter eggs with your kids? Painting? (BTW, did the paint come out of your carpet?)

It's windy here today. Rain is predicted for tomorrow, so I'm going to do some baking and freeze it for Easter-have houseguests coming and won't have time to bake next week.

Prayers & good wishes coming your way.

Unknown said...

Just thought I'd let you know what my agent told me. Apparently they have to have an independant agent do a preview and give them an appraisal. Apparently they just happened to choose the agent who wrote the offer so there would be a conflict of interest.

Good points you all made. I suppose I've been patient this long, what's a while longer. At least I can spend time by myself and try to pamper myself.

MIL has taken the kids for the week. We'll head over next weekend to pick them out. I went out and took a walk today, did some grocery shopping, and looked around at Menards for carpet samples. So far I haven't been able to get the paint out of the carpet, but I have my special carpet cleaner that worked on small paint spots that were a couple of years old to try yet. If I could only find where I put it....

Unknown said...

Grntea- Glad you stopped by! I hope you come to our blogs and hang out sometime.

Anonymous said...

The waiting is always the hardest part isn't it? I hope it's taking longer because it's good news for you! That would be worth the wait wouldn't it :).

Unknown said...

Yes! I sure hope you're right. I could really use some good news!

Anonymous said...

You are going to get the good news soon. I just know it! Enjoy your week and read lots of gardening blogs. I got to go to work Monday. At least I'm working in plants and will love that. I'm going to be so sore Monday night. I haven't done anything physical in months!!!

Unknown said...

LOL! Like all that cleaning and packing isn't physical? Okay, maybe it's not quite as heavy lifting but...?

Let me know how it goes!