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What in the world was I thinking?

Temps are climbing ever so slowly. We may get another 8 inches of snow tonight. Our snowblower was out of commission this whole winter and we were too lazy to shovel our 200 foot long driveway this winter when snow fall amounts were just a couple of inches. We did what we like to call the "drive it down" version of "shovelling". I must say it was nice and easy all winter to do this effortless form of clearing the driveway.

Now I am greatly regretting that decision though!

I had a pretty good day today. It was in the 40's, the sun was shining, the classes were pretty good today. Aside from not hearing from the bank (no surprise there!) it was shaping up to be a pretty nice day. Look what happened when I got home. My snow packed driveway turned into a mucky quagmire that no vehicle should attempt to drive across!

I got stuck. Thankfully my favorite neighbors have returned to the neighborhood and happened to be walking by so I had some help before Cheesehead got home. I know I shouldn't be playing favorites or anything, but none of my other neighbors ever really talk to me and these neighbors are just so nice!

Look at the rutts I made with my van there. It was really an interesting venture. Do you see that spot of gravel showing through the snow on my driveway? Look closely, right up at the top of the picture. Well, you MAY want to get a magnifying glass but it's a start anyway....

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Anonymous said...

Hey, I still have a headache and looking at your snow would send me over the edge if I was there. I hada rough week but I made it. I have never bee so tired in my whole life. It was much easier moving 10 yrs ago. I'm loving the new house. I does make it worth it. Oh yea, you ask about the movie--it was a total flop. If you didn't know you were looking for my dil and dh--you would not even recognize them--plus the plot was pretty slow. When I find my camera, I'll post new house pics. Hey---I like you insect pics below...very nice. Sorry you got to say goodbye to the old gardens--me too.

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

That looks just like my mud situation a couple of weeks ago.

tina said...

Sounds like my sister in Maine, they have had a record breaking year with snow.

Anonymous said...

I look for tiny patches of gravel too ~ anything for encouragement! Glad you have a least one set of nice neighbors!!

Gail said...

I keep hoping that winter is over for my northern friends...soon!


Unknown said...

They're still saying 8 inches of snow is on it's way. I'm hoping they're wrong though. I have enough problems with my driveway already thank you very much!

Anna- Your head and my back! After getting unstuck I decided to shovel the loose snow off the driveway. BOY was it HE-AVY! I only lasted about an hour and then I gave it up. I had planned on doing some more this afternoon, but it looks like my morning was changed to afternoon work instead. Maybe I'll do more tomorrow!

Do you get any days off to rest? I sure hope so. Moving is hard work! Maybe I'll tell Cheesehead it's not a good movie. I'm not sure if that will sway him one way or another though. Usually when we want to watch a movie, we wait for it to come out on DVD and just buy it instead. Works out to about the same price anyway.... Maybe we're just a bit crazy. Okay, take out the maybe too!

In case anyone is wondering I STILL haven't heard about the house. I'll have to go home and look up the numbers to call. I'm playing around on the library's computers now!:)

Debbie, Tina, Kathleen, and Gail- I think this is the most snow they've had here in decades. I wonder if it's some sort of conspiracy to keep me from having another oversized garden-yard???