In the background you will see some purple flowers. Were they sage or lavendar?... I didn't include a seperate picture of them since they were blooming when I bought them this year. Does that make me weird to only want to include plants that bloomed under my care?
Also blooming at my home are two of the three transplants from my clematis from MN. These poor plants suffered in adverse conditions for a couple of years, so I had to bring them with me. I'm sure glad I did. The third plant seems to be a bit stunted, but I am hoping to coax a bloom from it for the next bloom day.
I just love the bars on this clematis. I don't have the tags from these clematis since I left them in MN and I think mom must have tossed them after we moved. Oh well, who needs a name to enjoy a flower anyway?
I haven't included my wildflowers in previous bloom day posts because I don't take care of them. I took these pictures and I just thought they were such wonderful pictures I just couldn't resist including them.
I love the color of this flower! There are a couple of other yellow flowers blooming too but I didn't get good shots of them this time. Maybe another time?
I think one of them is a thistle, but the other two I have no idea.
This one is my Angelina sedum. I guess I didn't even remember that this had some blooms on it. I do like the foliage of this plant which is the reason I bought it in the first place.
I never even dared to dream that this rose would bloom so profusely. I had been worried that it would even come back as I haven't had the best luck with roses in the past. I did publish a picture of this one before, but it was just so hard at work putting out blooms I just had to include it again.
We also planted this potentilla last year. They usually bloom earlier around here, but it's been a bit of a strange year. I'm just happy to see these pretty little blooms!
We have a few different spirea too, but I'll just post one right now. I don't have the tags in front of me, but Cheesehead is anxious to get to work on our shed again so I'll have to look them up at another time.
There are 4 different astibles, one of each color. I planted these earlier this year as well.
The spiderwort are blooming like crazy too. I chose an up close shot to show the detail among the petals. They've been blooming for some time not. Aren't they just the best?
Then there's to lovely pincushion flower. I could have sworn they were a bit taller last year.
I'm drawing a blank on this one. Hmm. Sorry, almost out of posting time. Maybe YOU could tell ME?
We also have many other things currently blooming. Mostly annuals.
I hope you enjoyed my blooms. I'd like to thank Carol for hosting this event, it is something I look forward to every month!
Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
That Spirea looks like 'Goldflame' to me - does it have fiery orange foliage in the spring? I took a photo of one for my GBBD, but it didn't make the cut, so I'm very glad to see yours :)
I love all your GBBD blooms today. I especially love the wildflowers and clematis shots. Thanks for sharing.
Nice blooms! I love the clematis, it could be "Nelly Moser" but I'm not positive. I think the spirea might be "Goldmound" but again, I'm just guessing. You are so fortunate to have had rain!
I have had a blast looking at the color in everyones gardens today! Such fun and so entertaining. I get such ideas for planting new things but with a 2-year drought, I must refrain from more plants. There is always next year...sniff sniff...
Have fun on the shed, well, Hard work I know, but try to throw in a bit of fun and laughter. While the Saint and I work on projects together, we fuss and laugh and moan and graon but in the end, we are happy we spent time together!
Happy Bloom have some wonderful blooming flowers and I think it's great that you included your Stella...I have a water soaked photo of Hyperion on my post!
You've got so many wonderful flowers blooming right now! I think that first clematis is Jackmanii - I have one too that's blooming just now. Gotta love Stella D'oro!
Oh my, everything looks so amazing! I guess that's what a little rain and a lot of hot sun can do! :) Beautiful blooms Cinj!
I'm going to guess the spirea is Neon Rose. You'll have to come back and tell us. All your blooms look well and I'm proud of the ones you brought back from your other house. I think that's a great victory. You've done an amazing job with all your flowers. I can't believe deer have chomped them.
Beautiful blooms Cinj! I think that last photo is a veronica, but I'm not sure which one. Your pink roses are scrumptious!
Hello Cinj...just dropping by to say have a..."Wonderful Wednesday".
Kathi :-D
I have the same attitude about Bloom Day - it doesn't count unless the plant formed the buds while already in my garden. Wow, your little Rose is a bloom machine! And the flowers themselves are so beautiful. I love that color. I'm not a Spirea fan, but the shot of yours just might make me change my mind. I think the 2d Clematis is 'Multi Blue' or 'Crystal Fountain.' I have CF but it's not in bloom now, so I can't compare it.
VP- I DO have a goldflame, but it's not the one I put on here. Actually, I think they're all still living back at my old house in MN come to think of it... Thanks for stopping by!
PG- Glad you could come and visit. I have two more clematis yet to bloom. Hopefully they will be blooming next month.
Philip- Glad you could join us. That Clematis name sounds familiar, it could be it. I've had goldmound spirea before too. I bought so many that it's hard to keep track sometimes!
Skeeter- Bloom day is always a lot of fun, isn't it? It was a hard days' work, but we enjoyed each other's company. It felt great to get so much done.
Gail- I guess it would have been better if I would have brought an umbrella outside with me, but that would have required some thought. I didn't tell you before, but I was also wearing my pj's when I took that picture!
Amy- It's quite a change from this winter, isn't it? I love the variety too. Thanks for the name of the clematis, it's hard to keep track of them all.
Kathi- Thanks! Cheesehead laughed at me when I ordered the "sticks" from the catalog, but they sure cost me a lot less than anything around here. Look at them now. Maybe one of these days he'll stop laughing at me for being cheap.
Anna- That could be it. I was looking through my tags and all I could find was little princess. I know that's the other one with lighter pink petals. I also have one with white flowers and a magic carpet. I wonder where the rest of my tags are, I know I didn't throw them away....
Linda- Yes! I found that tag too. Common name Royal Candles Speedwell, or if you prefer botanical names it's Veronica spicata "Glory". The pink roses are Pink Marina Kordana KORmisso. I just love how many buds are blooming at the same time!
Kathi- Thanks. You too!
You have so much going on...the potentilla flower is nice against is fine green leaves. Good to see the garden doing well.
Happy bloom day, a few days late. I'm still working my way around to see what everyone has blooming. I was going to chime in that your unidentified flower likes like Veronica 'Royal Candles', but someone beat me to it.
Your blooms look great. Thanks for joining in!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
MMD- Oops, you just snuck right under my nose there! I'm very happy with my rose, I just love those bright cheery colors too. Spirea are blooming all over in my yard, they're one of my favorite bushes, I just love those dainty little flowers.
Chris- Thanks for checking in. Potentillas are another staple bush in my garden, the foliage is so delicate looking and has a wonderful shape to it.
Carol- There are SO many bloom day posts, it's hard to get to them all. Not like you have any more hours in a day than the rest of us. Glad you could stop by!
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