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Shh! It's A Surprise for Cheesehead

I told you all that we were working on a landscaping project yesterday. I thought I'd share what we did together and what I will surprise him with. This was once the area where the poor deer eaten arborvitae used to live. I'll do a before and after post when I can find the before pictures. I guess I should have done a better job of managing my pictures....

Cheeshead trimmed back all of the tall weeds with the weed trimmer, I pulled them out by hand for placement in the compost pile. If there were some weed roots I couldn't get out, I hoed the ground until I could get the roots as well as the plant. It took a lot of time, but the results will be well worth the effort.

To frame out the shape of our garden, we laid a hose out in the shape we wanted it in. It took a few tries to find one that we liked, but we finally found a shape that we both liked.

Once we did that, we just had to dig the trenches and install the edging. We dug our trenches almost as deep as the edging is tall. We left a coupe of inches clearance between the edging and the dirt so we would have room for mulch. Edging is much easier to work with when you flatten the curves out prior to your project. I laid it out flat and weighed it down with rocks. We only got the edging in and then it started to rain. Grr. At least we got it all installed before the rain started.

We had to call it quits for the day since after it rained the ground was wet and we didn't want to play in the mud.

We weren't going to plant any extra plants in the garden this year since we have no money to buy more, but Cheesehead mentioned that he didn't care for the rock garden in the back yard. The rock garden was really overgrown, there were so many weeds in there you could hardly tell the plants from the weeds. I guess weed control got pushed down the priority list this summer. OOPS!

Happily that gave us a some plants to move to the new garden areas, so it wasn't a complete loss. I placed the three big peonies, lavendar, sage, hygrangea, yarrow, and creeping phlox by the shed. The day lilies, starfighter lily, 2 small peonies, and sedum were placed up front. There was still more room after those plants were transplanted, I divided the ones that I knew wouldn't suffer from the divisions and spread them all out. With no money in my landscaping budget I decided to get a bit creative.

The containers are looking a bit leggy and Cheesehead was ready to get rid of all of them yesterday. Luckily it rained so he had to wait to throw them in the compost pile. I took all of our containers that weren't doing very well and carefully dug the root balls out of them and placed them into holes I dug in the ground. There, the garden is full. I'll have to replace the annuals in the spring but I hope to have a bit of money by then.

Cheesehead wanted to use our landscaping fabric, but I hate that stuff. He tried to insist that we should use it to prevent too many weeds from growing even though I told him the reasons we should skip using it. Gee, too bad he wasn't here to do the work today. I hope he isn't too annoyed that I skipped the fabric and just went straight for the mulch. Hey, at least it's work that he didn't have to do!

Apparently the mouse that had made it's home in the grill cover this spring has migrated to the pile of extra mulch we've got sitting outside. I found it today when I took 5 bags of mulch to cover the newly planted and edged area by the driveway. Who knew such a small creature could startle a person quite so much?

To finish off along the driveway I recycled some of the rocks from the back garden to help keep the mulch in place. What do you think?

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Skeeter said...

I think it is beautiful! You did a great job and no fabric in my gardens either! lol... The Saint thinks I should use if but if you have a good base of mulch, you should have few weeds... Now if only I could get a good base of mulch! ha ha.... You did great on a budget!

tina said...

It looks good! I was wondering why you didn't divide your peonies to make more. Fall is the best time to divide them.

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

Yeah cindy, not weed cloth. If he has to know make him read my rant yesterday. Better yet, lets just keep this to ourselves.

Aki said...

You have a good idea.

Anonymous said...

This looks fantastic, Cinj!!! Great job!!! The rock edging looks just perfect! And I'm with Deb---no landscape fabric. You did good.

Unknown said...

Looks very nice.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

Wow, that bed look great! You've shown how creativity can trump cash. I swear it's easier to install brick paver edging that that black plastic stuff. I'm too afraid of it to try. I'm still yanking out the landscape fabric the former owners put in. It's got weeds growing on top of it & through it.

Unknown said...

Skeeter- Thanks. I feel pretty good about all of that hard work. I told him there was no mulch and he put me in charge of weeding. Like I wouldn't have been otherwise????

Tina- It's been 2 years since they were last divided. Should I have divided them again already? I will ask the neighbors if they want any for their garden next year. I guess I didn't really think about it.

Debbi- He wasn't mad, just informed me that he was hands off on the weeding.

????- Thanks. It was nice to meet you.

Ben- Cheesehead likes the rocks with the mulch so much that he wants me to do it on the other side of the driveway too. Who would have known all of these free rocks would add so much to our landscaping?

Darla- Thanks.

MMD- Thanks, what a wonderful compliment. I've made to mistake of using that junk in my other landscaping projects. NEVER again.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Good Evening Cinj,

I think it looks awesome! You worked very hard, I hope cheesehead will love it!

Kathi :)

Unknown said...

Skeeter- oops, did I say no mulch? I meant no fabric. I "talk" so fast I don't even realize what I'm saying sometimes.

Kathi- He loved it. Of course he made a snide comment about a weed takeover but I'll show him!

tina said...

You can divide plants anytime you want more. I would if you are pressed to fill in. More peonies can never be bad but if you want them big and full, don't divide.

Anonymous said...

You are definitely no slacker, that was some hard work girl. The results look great, you should feel so proud. And add me to the list of "no landscape fabric" please. I detest that stuff. It was put all over the place in my garden (by the former owner) and I'm still trying to get rid of it 7 years later.

Val said...

That really looks great! We worked one time and used landscape fabric and I hate it too. The weeds still come through. Thanks for the comment. I love your blog!

garden girl said...

Hi Cinj, wow, your new bed looks beautiful! I'm all for saving $$$ on gardening, and do a lot of dividing. Some plants I buy, I divide them before planting them the first time. Divisions are serious dollar savers.

I love the stone border, and I'm with you on weed barrier fabric. I hate the stuff. It's harder to weed with it than without it, and after the first year or two it's very ineffective in preventing weeds from sprouting.

I strongly discourage my clients from using it, and dislike working in client's beds with weed barrier. They have as many, if not more weeds than gardens without it, and the fabric just makes it so hard to weed since the weeds weave themselves into the fabric, making them much more difficult to remove than if they're just growing in the soil.

Gail said...

Hi cinj,

You have done a great job, it looks wonderful Nice rocks...from the back yard? Did you dig them up! I don't use fabric cloth at all...but I do use layers of newspaper
and put the mulch on top of it...In case I missed a weed!


Unknown said...

Tina- They're still a bit spindly, but I'm thinking about asking a neighbor if they want some divisions next year. They don't have much money either and want to start a garden so we'll see.

Kathleen- Thanks! I'm blushing. It feels good to get a good day's work in, doesn't it?

Valerie- Thanks for dropping by. I don't know why he thinks the weeds could be any worse without the fabric than they are with it. Hope to see you again sometime.

Linda- I know. I have a few more I am thinking of dividing and moving pieces over by the shed, but it's supposed to be pretty rainy the next few days. I sure hope so, we need the rain! It also helps that I just laid down a whole lot of grass seed and I'm hoping that it comes in nice and thick.

Gail- Thanks! Yup, you guessed it. I found a few that were quite nice sized. Still no really nice big landscaping rocks, but I have a bunch that I put in our window wells to keep all of that sand from splashing up on the windows. I thought about newspaper, but since I don't have any I am hoping that the weeds were all pulled out when I went through all of that work. I know that's too much to hope for, but....

lisa said...

Looks great! I agree-skip the landscape fabric. Better for the soil and the froggies, salamanders, etc..