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Use your Voice, Vote!

Tomorrow is not only our chance to voice our opinions on the major elections, but also local elections. This is the third straight time that our school district has tried to pass a referendum. The community seems very torn about this issue, and I'd have to agree it's for good reason. There are YES signs all over the community, the NO voters are more lown key though. Except these neighbors. I thought the pork propane tank was a very creative idea and I just had to share a picture of it.

So I suppose you may be wondering why our community is so torn. Our schools need to be supported, education is very important. I would say pretty much everyone in the community is for helping our children to get the education that they deserve. The issues come in to play when you start discussing the "pork" that they are trying to pass with this important issue.

What is the pork? They want a new fieldhouse and a swimming pool. While those are nice things to have, most of the "no" voters just want to give money for our children's education. They want those who support the construction of the pool and field house to raise money by having funraisers instead of forcing the taxpayers to support extra curricular activities. I can see the validity of that argument.

I guess I'm not so sure why they keep trying to cram it all into the referendum together. I mean do they think if they try to shove the same exact package through it will eventually get passed? They tried to get a multi use facility before so many "no" voters seem to think these people really don't have the best interests of our children's education in mind, the money for education was thrown on later as an add-on to get an unpopular idea passed.

I'm not so sure that the people really want to give the kids and schools money or they might consider splitting the referendum into more questions. If enough people support paying for these items they'll vote for it. If they don't, it will continue to fail.

Why is it everything always seems to need to be lumped together in this country anyway? It seems like all areas of our government seem to think that this is the only way to do anything. I think we should be asked to vote for each individual idea independantly of anything else.

As far as the referendum is concerned I guess I am a bit torn too. Do I stand up for my kids' education or for my belief of thinking we should be given the chance to vote seperately for each component of their plan. I better decide soon, voting starts at 8 am tomorrow!

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Nola said...

I'm so glad to see people urging others to vote! I don't discuss politics, but I vote EVERY TIME there is an election.
Your town is like a lot of others, I suspect. Nobody wants to say "no" to needed educational items, but this is a bad time to ask for items that aren't a necessity, like swimming pools and the like.

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

I won't blog about politic either, but I consider voting a responsibility. Wish everybody did.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had voted earlier--I have to stand in the rain tomorrow and they expecting big crowds.

garden girl said...

I agree Cinj. I don't like the way so many issues get lumped together like that.

I'm glad I voted early. The lines were long two weeks ago - I can only imagine what it will be like today.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

No pork! that seems to be a big hit this year...I think that would mean we have to reelect a lot of people LOL!

Have a great day Cinj!
Kathi :)

Skeeter said...

I like my ham and bacon but Pork does not belong in the Political arena at all! Things should be a line item vote and not a grouping. So many good things get passed over due to pork and so many bad things are chosen due to pork!

Unknown said...

Nola- Probably a good idea, political discussions can get a bit heated. You're right about the non-necesseties during these times too.

Debbi- So true, most people seem to think all politicans are alike and they don't want to vote for anyone. It's too bad really, so many people from other countries wish they had the rights we do and so many people take those rights for granted.

Anna- Hope the lines weren't too long and the rain held off til you were done voting. No line for me, one of the advantages of living in the middle of nowhere.

Linda- I thought about voting early this year, but I decided I wanted to wait and gather the facts a bit more before I voted. I sure hope that there are some changes made in our political system.

Kathi- I've heard that from SO many people it's not even funny. I wish that they'd make some changes to the system.

Skeeter- That's for sure. I think things tend to get lost in the pages sometimes and that's just too bad. We need to look at each issue individually and vote for what's the best for the population.