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Trials and Tribulations

Many people bemoan the fact that we have many trials and tribulations that we all must suffer through in life. I have found myself complaining about them too, probably a little too often. I think we all do, but we fail to think of the lessons in life that we forget without these very same trials. Those trials remind us of the lessons we learned as youth and have forgotten with the passage of time.

These trials are brought into our lives for various reasons. We may not even know why we have been put into the position we are in, we simply move through life and hope for the best. We need to remember not to just go through the motions in life, I tend to do this too often too. With prayer, I know that I can find the answers to all of my questions if I just have enough patience.

Sometimes we need reminders of what is truly important. Maybe we have forgotten to keep our life focused on what God wants us to do, so we get sent gentle reminders. Maybe it never occured to us how it was that we were truly supposed to live out our lives, so we need to be set onto the proper path.

Whatever the reasons for our trials, we must do our best not to forget the ways in which we are blessed. It seems easier to forget our blessings when we are living in times of abundance than it is when we are living through difficult times. I will work hard to remember how much I am blessed through all of the seasons of my life.

I am going to start a blessing box to help me to remember all of the reasons I have to be thankful. At times when I feel down, I will be able to look into my blessings box and remember the many blessings I have in life.

I must remind myself often. Have faith that things will get better. Do the best job you can to live in the ways you are directed to and know that you can not fail if you follow God's guidance.

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



tina said...

It is so much nicer to look at our blessings for sure. Good luck.

Jan said...

I have to constantly remind myself. It's hard to do when things are tough; it's also easy not to do when things are great! But there's always something to look for, even right in front of us that we're missing, that is a gift. Jan

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

A blessing box is a wonderful idea this time of the year, what a great idea. Thank you for dropping by and your input about my blog colors and the snow, it reminded me of the snow outside today. Have a wonderful evening!

Kathi :)

Amy said...

I was pretty depressed after my first knee surgery, knowing that there was more to come down the road. Focusing on the good things in my life has really helped me a lot too, and I believe I am being taught many things during this time...the big ones being faith and trust! Your blessing box is a great idea :)


Anonymous said...

What a neat idea. Sometimes while down it's hard to find up, it'll be good for anyone.