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15 books

Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen books you've read that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes. Tag 15 friends, including me because I'm interested in seeing what books my friends choose. (To do this, go to your Notes tab on your profile page, paste rules in a new note, cast your 15 picks, and tag people in the note - upper right hand side).

Gone With the Wind
The Hobbit
The Bible
The Red Badge of Courage
Under the Blood Red Sun
The Giver
Star Wars, A New Hope
Square Foot Gardening
The Maker's Diet
The Sugar Solution
Stone Soup for the World
The Book of Virtues
Anne of Green Gables
Island of the Blue Dolphins

Thank you for stopping by to chat with me. Please leave me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts!


1 comment:

our friend Ben said...

Wow, what a fun idea, Cinj! I love it!!! Now, hmmm... The Iliad; Yeats' Collected Poems; The New Testament; The Hobbit; Living the Good Life; Pride & Prejudice; anything by James Herriot; All About Strange Beasts of the Past; Nine Coaches Waiting; any Sherlock Holmes; A Song for Arbonne; any Backwoods Home anthology; A New Earth; any of Wendell Berry's Port William novels; Tony Hillerman's Navajo mysteries; anything about Ben Franklin. Yow, I think I've already gotten up to 16, and I'm not only cheating but am not nearly done! Where does the time go?!