We really didn't have much of a summer here, it was more like a really LONG, not to mention dry, spring with just a couple of short weeks of mildly warmer temps thrown in. Now that fall has arrived, summer has too. Heat, but still extremely dry. We have only had one day with any measurable amounts of rain in the month of September. Hence the title of this post.
Add dryness to the fact that I have never once had an even reasonably successful harvest from any attempts at veggie gardening and I'd have to say it's miraculous. Thank God I mulched or I'd probably had yet another miserable failure!

My tomatoes are finally kicking it up into high gear. I was wondering if it would ever happen. This is my third harvest of the year of tomatoes. I am quite pleased with my first attempt at growing them, although I will not be using those flimsy store bought cages next year. There's got to be some sort of crazy artistic sculpture or something I can make with those useless things!

My hand pollinated apples that showed such promise this spring were a rather miserable failure. I guess next time I'll do better at keeping them watered. Now I'm listening to the kids argue over who gets to eat it. I sure wish I'd had enough foresight to see this train coming. Hopefully we'll have better luck in the coming years.

The zucchini practically grew itself. I've had so much of it I haven't known what to do with it. Apparently the only thing the family likes that's made of zucchini is bread. Any creative ideas of something not so boring would be greatly appreciated. I forget, have I ever mentioned that my family is just a wee bit picky?

The cucumbers could have done better, but this is my second decent batch. My family only likes pickles although MIL said they tasted really good. I wish I had done a better job of exposing my family to these things earlier in life. Maybe I wouldn't have all of these health issues now, not to mention complete and total food boredom for the most adventurous eater of the house. Sigh.

We had quite a few green beans though I think I will use the square foot garden method with them next year so I can squeeze a few more plants into my garden plan. I loved these beans fresh from the garden. I'd love to have some for canning purposes.
I must say my green pepper experiment taught me to not plant them so close to the tomatoes next year. It was way too shady for them to do much of anything productive. Better luck next year.

I also had some success with my potatoes that otherwise would have landed in the compost pile. I am wondering if some of the small ones can be saved as seed potatoes. How small is too small for a seed potato anyway? Anyone?
Now I suppose I better get working on my canning and preserving skills. Who would have known you could burn watermelon in a food dehydrator anyway? Oops! I love being able to reuse my glass jars and not having to send store bought cans to the landfill or recycling too. I feel like we're making great strides in being more earth friendly, chemical free, and building a healthier household. Yay us! Too bad some of this stuff is so time consuming, I bet more people would be going back to the old ways if they could.
Thank you for stopping by to chat with me. Please leave me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I think you have done a GREAT job for a first-year harvest, Cinj! (And certainly harvested more tomatoes than we managed this year.) I'm not a big fan of zucchini, either, although I love the appearance of the round ones like yours. But I have found a few ways to use them besides zucchini bread and muffins, which of course I love but they're so high-cal. Don't forget about ratatouille. And I use finely diced zucchini to add bulk to my spaghetti sauce. The trick is to cook the sauce until the zukes are nothing but texture; then they're great. But just this morning, my cousin told me that he made fantastic savory pancakes from grated zucchini mixed into a pancake batter with feta cheese. I'll have to ask him for the recipe and post it! I agree with your family about cukes, too, although I absolutely love pickles! If you want to try easy refrigerator pickles, visit Poor Richard's Almanac and type in "refrigerator pickles" on our search bar. They're so easy and good. And good for you, getting such a wonderful harvest on your first try!!!
Wonderful harvest. Enjoy!
Cinj, I would have no idea this was 'new' for you...you have quite a harvest there! I think you deserve some accolades;-) How about 'Best Wisconsin Blog'?!! Anyway, I have a few tomatoes to show and that is it for anything edible in my garden! Unless I get a sunnier backyard, I won't have much of a veggie garden...I just have a couple of pots that I keep on my deck. Great job!
My reaction to this post is, "Good job Cinj." I had a difficult time growing just one tomato plant and when they finally ripened, they didn't taste all that good to me. There's always next year.
Good for you, that harvest looks fantastic.
Ben- Thanks. Cheesehead was ready to give up on our tomatoes but I'm sure glad we didn't. Good ideas, I'll have to try them.
Crafty- I am!
Jan- I was so surprised to see that, I felt a bit guilty about finding so little time this summer to log onto blotanical and blog hop this summer. I'm actually surprised that my veggie garden did as well as it did considering how shady it is in my back yard.
Donna- I suppose I should have tried to eat my tomatoes before canning them, I sure hope they turned out alright!
K & V- What I've eaten of it has been good.
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