The annuals are sparsely blooming, but most of the pictures didn't seem worthy of posting. I do like my whiskey barrel though, this poor thing was neglected and rarley watered but it still managed to shine. A petunia seed even found it's way in there from the basket that once hung above.
These flowers were sown from seed this spring. They just started to bloom a few days ago as well. I can't remember what they were called, but it was obviously some sort of mixed pack of whatever.
I also have a pot of marigolds that have recently started to bloom. I grew these from seed as well. I have two containers and two hanging baskets that I didn't put into my new garden area. I am still trying to decide what kinds of plants I will put in there next spring.
I thought that this daisy was unusual, it almost had a double head but didn't seem to split all the way.
This plant has also been posted about before, but it must really be enjoying this weather. It's still blooming like crazy. Here I was worried it would die and it's the most profusely flowering plant in my early fall/late summer garden. I have looked at the mums at all of the stores, but I don't have any money to buy more plants anyway. Maybe some day I'll be able to afford some fall flowering plants. I also wouldn't mind laying my hands on some bulbs-tulips, crocus, daffodils, and snow drops are high on my list. Of course there are many more I'd like as well, but I don't have to put it all in right away anyway.
I also posted about echinacea before. These are such wonderful flowers. The seeds are not yet ready to harvest, but I'm sure it won't be much longer. I'll have to ask the neighbors if they'd be interested in some seeds, I have about 20 blooms on this plant, WAY more than I would need.
Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Oh, don't make this your last bloom day post until spring! We love to see what's going on or not going on in winter gardens, too. I keep posting right on through, showing indoor flowers if I have them, or "winter interest", as we call dead twigs, if I don't.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
I'm with month please show us your fall leaves and I bet there will be seed heads in the woods!
Happy Bloom Day, Cinj,
Nice and colorful and you never know, you might have something going on in the months to come. Be creative.
Carol- I guess that may require a bit more creativity. I can try to see what I come up with for the next couple of months, but I won't promise anything spectacular.
Gail- That's true. I'll do my best to find something interesting to keep posting about. I guess you guys want to keep me on my toes, huh?
Tina- Okay, they're the last "real" flowers until next spring, how does that sound?
You will be surprised at the color you may find around you in the winter months...
Skeeter- Maybe... if it's not buried under a foot of snow!
Wow temps already in the 40's! BRRR! We are pretty warm over here in the Northwest right now. In fact tomorrow is suppose to reach 93! I like your barrel. The combinations look really nice together. Plus it is neat that a petunia planted itself in there. :)
cinj, we are not that cold yet, but believe it or not it was in th 50's this morning. We will heat back up. I think it would be nice to see pictures of snow. We don't usually get it around here.
I'm impressed you still have a beautiful coneflower blooming! Mine have all pretty much gone to seed. You still have some lovely blooms despite the cooler temperatures. I'm like you--I've been wondering what in the world I could post after October's Bloom Day.
You'd be surprised how long some things will bloom. I bet you'll have something in bloom for next month's Bloom Day. Love those Echinaceas. You get quite a bang for your buck with them. Leave some seedheads on them & they'll self sow as well as feed the birds.
Yeah that Daisy was interesting. My Gerbera Daises do strange things sometimes too. Come by and check out a new meme I found, Watery Wednesday.
Hi Cinj, your whiskey barrel looks very pretty.
That's a wild daisy! I love finding oddities like that.
Cynthia- I know! Luckily it has been warming into the 60's during the day still so I haven't had to turn on the furnace yet.
Gotta love a free plant!
Debbi- Oh, I'm sure I'll have plenty of snow to share with you! (You'll probably be sorry you said that come winter;) )
Rose- My flowers bloomed fairly late this year with cooler than normal temps. That's okay though it's always nice to have flowers to enjoy.
MMD- Time will tell I suppose, but in a normal year Cheesehead has thrown away all annuals by then and perrineals aren't in bloom. I guess I should buy some fall flowering plants soon, but no money in the budget. :(
Darla- Yah, I thought about naming the post crazy daisy, but then there wouldn't be a bloom day title post. Maybe I overthink things a bit much....
Linda- Thanks. I like the barrel too. Best of all no animals have eaten any of it. That's more than I can say for the poor hostas I brought back from MN.
The echinacea is gorgeous - our just get eaten by slugs before they have a chance to flower!
I like your whisky barrel and "over-achiever" rose, but the double-headed daisy is the coolest!
Isn't it crazy that it's almost over?? It seems like with springs late arrival that the season went exceptionally fast this year. Thanks for sharing your blooms. I never remember!
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