Every house has a story. Today being our 12th anniversary got me to thinking. I'd be doing something else if Cheesehead weren't working... but I won't talk about that here!
Anyway... Our house in BL was owned by two couples before us. The first couple built it and owned it for many years. It had the best looking yard in the neighborhood. They owned it from 1994-2000. I'm not sure how long they were married or anything, but the reason they moved? They got divorced.
The second couple owned the house less than one year. (They did find a way to kill off the plush gorgeous lawn and killed 4 perfectly wonderful trees in that small amount of time though) I assume they must have had a troubled marriage before they moved in since the reason they also moved? You guessed it- they got divorced.
The house has been known as the divorce house. The neighbors were speculating as to why we moved. I've still talked to a few of my neighbors. They told me that they were glad we broke the divorce curse that seemed to loom over that house larger than life. Let me tell you, if we can last through this whole having a house on the market and the rest of the mess we've gone through in the last two years I think we're pretty much unsinkable! I don't even feel the need to knock on wood after such a bold statement either.
We had looked at many houses before we got to this one. It was perfect. The house had just come on the market the day we looked at it. We made an offer the next day. We knew it was our dream home! Actually I never thought in a million years that we'd ever WANT to move, but I already told you the details of how we came to the decision to move so I won't bore you again.
How do your kids like the new place? Is the school situation better for all of you? Cinj--my son was picked on as a kid and now he's making really good money as an Engineer. His life was made stronger cause of our family ties. You made a move to better your family and that is always the right decision. Hugs to you!
You're right, every house has a story. It's fun to hear about yours. How about your current one? Hopefully, it, too, wasn't available due to divorce. (Sadly, that's way too common!) Once the former house is behind you, you think it was all worth it? Your son is happier?
My current house was a case of "love-at-first-sight"---on the part of my husband. He immediately knew he wanted to buy it. I was not so quick to embrace it. The gardens were truly the best part of the place, and that's what won me over in the end, but I also saw lots of work (former owners had two gardeners who came one or two days a week--so low maintenance it was not). We've since changed much of the landscaping and added hardscape. (For instance, there was a professionally built putting green, complete with full sandpit in the front yard...it had to go!):-}
We've slowly made the inside more to our taste and life style, too--especially the kitchen since I like to cook . It has been a labor of love, and though there will always be more that we need or want to do, it works for us.
"Mr. Former Owner" is a custom home builder and "Mrs. F.O." is an interior designer with her own studio located about 30 miles from here-via a winding two-lane road. She was tired of the commute, which is why they moved. They said they'd loved living here and we believed them. It's a "happy house", if that makes any sense! DH and I will miss it when we move.
Hey all. We love the new home, it is great. No one is picking on him here, I think the image is less important here. I'm getting used to it. The kids have seemed pretty happy since we moved as has dh. He's been EXTREMELY happy since we aren't in town anymore. I think we're overall more happy here, especially after we're able to sell the other house. Subbing has worked out better here too since the kids are on the bus early enough and long enough that I don't really have to deal with a daycare situation. I've also been getting more jobs since the supply of subs is lower here.
I haven't really figured out a story for our new home. We are the first owners. It was a new construction that they just built and put on the market. It had been on the market for quite some time too, not sure why. It's a blank slate for us to do whatever we want with it. It wasn't really our first choice, but I'm really starting to like it now that I've been able to make it our own.
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