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They made me breakfast!

My kids are so sweet. They decided to make me breakfast this morning. They remebered that today is our anniversary and want to make an anniversary cake later. Oh, what did they make you ask? Coco Roos and buttered toast. How thoughtful! I'll have to help with the cake later since it involves oven usage, but SO sweet! I hope they keep up the nice behavior today. I think I'll make Cheesehead some banana bread later too.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Cinj! It's wonderful your kids cooked for ya. I'm eating too much lately. It's cause I'm bored and need something to occupy my time while I'm waiting on life to get on. Hope you and cheesehead had a great afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Ah, it sounds like your kids are sweeties! I cooked a lot today..."California Southern style", if there is such a thing, for son's birthday. BBQ ribs..not difficult, but about a five hour process. Strawberry Cake, etc. It was fun and he seemed to enjoy it, so I was happy, too!

Looking forward to relaxing and gardening tomorrow!

Unknown said...

It was great. My daughter even "made" me lunch. It wasn't healthy though. We discussed a balanced diet, it was a good learning experience too. You know what she made? Pretzels, Cheese puffs, potato chips, chex mix, and pop. I know, I said it wasn't healthy! My som paid offered to pay her a quarter if she'd make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We had a good day. Cheesehead insisted I take the day off so kids and I just played games all day. It was fun.