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50 cent lamp make over

This is a project that I've been working on today! I have this slightly damaged lamp with some chips in the paint. Rather than throw it out (as Cheesehead would prefer), I decided to paint it. Well, the paint chips are the excuse I'm using since the color didn't match my guest room anyway.

If you look toward the bottom of it, you can see the paint chips. It still works, so I figure why get rid of it?

This is what it looked like after the first coat of paint. I got the paint on clearance at my local Walmart for only 25 cents per bottle. I have a total of three bottle, but I only had to use two to get my end results!

Here is my "final" product. (I use that term loosly since I may add some stenciling or lacquer finish or something at some other point. For now I'm happy, so I think I'll find another project to busy myself with instead!)

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

It doesn't look like the same lamp.

Anonymous said...

that is awesome, Cinj! I can't believe you were able to get such a beautiful, even coat on the lampshade, too! I think a calico cat stencil would look just right...

Unknown said...

Deb & Ellen- Thanks! Cheesehead thought I went out and bought a new lamp today. I didn't fill him in before I started the project. The lamp shade is looking a bit spotty now that it's drying more. I may have to put some fabric or something on it instead. We'll see what I can find when I start pulling out my fabric from the storage boxes. I'll have to wait on stencils so I can make sure that everything matches.

Linda said...

Way to go Cinj, great job.

Unknown said...

Thanks Crafty. I'm pretty proud. Much cheaper than buying new!

chey said...

Great job Cinj, aren't you smart!

Melanie Chopay said...

Wow Cinj, I have two lamps in the attic that are a color that clashes with everything here. Want to come and give me some lessons?

I can't wait for a rainy day so I can give this a try. What a great idea!

Unknown said...

Chey- Thanks. I used to think so... I'd like to think it's still true!

Melanie- Any time! It's super easy. I've had more than enough inside time to get my inside projects done. It only took a little over an hour too. Are your lamps a matte finish?

lisa said...

Great job!