I thought I took a picture of my dinner, but apparently I got a snapspot of the table instead. Cheesehead gave me a distaining look when I took out the camera so I tried to make sure that no one was looking as I took the shot. I must have moved the camera when I looked around. Oh well. I guess you'll have to take my word for it.
We came in and sat at the usual table. We vary our routine so little that "our" waitress brings us our drinks without even asking us what we are going to drink. TBO shocked her by ordering a different meal too. She even knows not to send tartar sauce for anyone and to substitute something else for the coleslaw. I guess that means we eat there a little too often, huh?
When we got home we found that one of the cats threw up in her room. It must have been traumatic for her, poor thing. She was sobbing so hard it was hard to believe that something didn't happen to her. We got it cleaned up, but apparently she doesn't like the look of wet carpet and insists it is stained??? She's sleeping in the guest room tonight. It should be dried out by tomorrow. How can a child who insists on such extreme cleanliness when it comes to dirt keep such a messy room with toys strewn all over the place? I just don't get it!
Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Yum-fish fry!
Cinj--I must be extremely slap happy tired cause this post struck me as funny. You can kill me if you want---but then Tina responded with Yum, fish fry after the cat threw up...so it just got funnier.
Ok...what got so funny was you ended one paragraph with the waitress knowing what you wanted to eat to being in the waitress bedroom. As it reads, the waitress has a bedroom at your house and your cat threw up on her bedroom floor. The waitress was crying so hard that ya'll were concerned that something was going to happen to her. Now the waitress is sleeping in your guestroom. Then you refer to her as a child who keeps a messy room.
Now I know how smart you are and that you wrote that post quickly and then went off to bed exhausted without proofing. It made my day cause I have laughed my fool head off. I hope you will forgive me and leave this up for others to enjoy. I know you and you are a good sport. Me and you laugh at our own mistakes. You just forgot to lead off the paragraph with---When we got home from the restaurant...the cat had thrown up in our daughter's room. Tina goes...Yum..fish fry. What a classic. I love it and you too.
You can get me back when I make my next gazallion mistakes.
To think, it's my poor cat Linus, not me, who cries when he throws up! He's such a happy-go-lucky fellow that it about breaks my heart when I hear that pitiful crying. I just can't get mad at him when he's so miserable, even as I'm cleaning up the rug (again)...
Tina- It was the best.
Anna- LOL! Okay, now I have to go read what you're talking about!
I guess I made an oops. Ha. Glad I was able to make you laugh. Just to clarify, it was Peanut who was crying, not the waitress! LOL. Hmm, I wonder if she came home with us if she'd know how to make that fish fry.... She could live here with free room and board if she cooked it for us once a week. Just think of all the money we'd save on gas and eating out. Oh, she'd have to agree to do the dishes once a week too....
I'm not afraid to let everyone know I make mistakes so I'll leave it.
"ben"- My cats don't seem to care when they throw up. It's crazy. They just throw up and then walk away like nothing ever happened. I wasn't mad, I know that accidents happen. My daughter sure was though. What a goofball. Who knew a 7 year old could get so bent out of shape?
Where are you? I was expecting you today with popcorn and drinks. I had to work late so maybe I missed you. If you get a live in waitress then I do too. And as for the mistakes....I make them all the time. I love to laugh at myself.
Sorry, I must have taken a wrong turn! I have no idea. I tried to call for directions, but the answering machine got it. I was forgetful and starting raving about how I wanted to buy your other house until I realized you already sold it. I was SO embarrased that I just went home instead! LOL.
I laugh at myself often. Well, more lately than I have for some time. As long as it's all in good fun and no one's feelings are getting hurt I'm all for a good tease.
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