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Woo Hoo! The snow is FINALLY gone!

Um... I think? I suppose I should say it appears to be gone. I am looking at my yard and the small pile of gravel that was there the other day now appears to be a flat clump of gravel. I guess that means more raking. SIGH!

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Jane O' said...

I'm glad to hear your snow is gone. There is nothing worse that the one last pile that keeps hanging around.

ChrisND said...

That's great! Ours is gone again. There is always the huge pile and the dark corner that last forever.

Gail said...

I can't begin to imagine the kind of climate you guys put up with! Glad it is have been a busy poster, sorry I missed some good posts,

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Gone it is! but they are talking the s word again....would love to have some sun and warmth now...