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Garden book tag

Oops! It's been almost a month since Dee at Red Dirt Ramblings tagged me. I said I'd do it, so here it is... finally! See her original post here Garden Book Tag

The rules are:

Pick up a book of at least 123 pages
Open the book to page 123
Find the fifth sentence
Post the next three sentences
Tag five people

I'm not going to pick 5 people though, sorry. If you want to consider yourself tagged, please do so though with my blessings!

I am currently reading "LET IT ROT! The Gardener's Guide to Composting" by Stu Campbell. I decided since I want to be successful with my new compost pile, I should see if I can find out more information about what it is I want to achieve.

In his book, Stu says:"Spread whatever compost you have been making over the summer over the entire growing area. You can do this any time after the first killing frost and before the soil becomes frozen hard. It is not a requirement that it be turned or tilled right into the garden; it will do the soil a lot of good if you just let it lie there over the winter."

I plan on learning much more about this new journey towards living a greener life. I hope to find out much helpful earth saving information.

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Anonymous said...

Good for you, composting. Every year I say I want to start then never do it. We have yard waste pick up so I recycle that way but I sure could use somewhere to put my coffee grinds & banana peels, etc.

Curtis said...

What we used to do growing up with the compost ,was get a truck load of sawdust.Then dig a hole in it,then we threw everything in it except meat and anything that had dairy in it.Then at the end of summer we spread it and tilled it in,then tilled it again in the spring

Frances, said...

HI Cinj, when you said you were going to post an excerpt from a book, I was expecting something like poetry, but hooray, it was something very useful! Good work, or lucky page 123, either way, that is such good advice. Easy to follow and good for the garden. Thanks.

Frances at Faire Garden

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

Thanks for the reminder. Dee tagged me too. I amost forgot.

Anonymous said...

That's a great book, Cinj! Kinda wild idea about page 123, but fun to tag folks to promote books, anyway! Composting--whether in our pallet bins or the earthworm composter--and feeding scraps to the chickens keeps us guilt-free around here. And oh boy, what it does for our garden beds!!!

Unknown said...

Frances- Well, I am reading a couple of other books too. I figured that you might enjoy a gardening book execerpt over something from either Star Wars Betrayl or Raising yous Spirited Child. I like to have a variety of books to read for whatever mood I'm in.

Kathleen- I've always meant to start one too. I just decided to quit procrastinating and just do it already. I feel so much better not putting useful biodegradable things in a landfill!

Curtis- Sounds like a good plan. The book I'm reading says it's hard to mess up a compost pile, some of the things take longer to decompose though. Very interesting.

Debbi- Ha! I remembered something that someone else didn't? That's a first in a very long time.

Ben- The whole book seems pretty straight forward and useful so far. Of course I'm not that far in it yet, but that's alright.

I like the idea of book tag too, I just didn't know who to tag.

I've often thought it would be wonderful to try to run my own little farm, but I don't know anything about it. I guess many of my ancestors were farmers, maybe it's in the blood.

Anonymous said...

Cool tag...great choice on your book to share, it's something I try to do with my soil at the end of the year, it is amazing what happens to your soil. :)

Anonymous said...

sorry Cinj, that was me that just posted :)