Remember how I went back to MN and dug up some flowers? Mom had dug some plants up for me and sent them back with me in whatever containers she found that seemed to fit the bill. I had some pots with, but they seemed to fit better in these shoe boxes. If you think that's funny, you should see what I brought my peonies home in! (Well, at least one of them)
Well, here is a picture of them before I had nestled them into their new home. Aren't they lovely? The purple and white bunch from the red and black box was placed in a green planter. The other box of the variety of flowers was in the cedar planter.
It has been almost a month, so all of them were alive with vibrant color adding charm and color to some dull areas with otherwise no color.
I wish I had taken a picture of them yesterday, they were glorious! Alive with a riot of purples and yellows of almost every shade. I don't think too many of them looked like the parent flowers I had bought a few years ago.
When I went to bring Peanut out to the bus stop this morning, all that was left were the stems! I suppose there are a few petals left.... ARGH! Well, I suppose they can re-bloom, but it's the principle of the matter. I want them to re-seed again like they have each and every year since I first started buying pansies. Is that even possible if the bunnies keep eating them though? If those silly beasts keep at it, I will have to put them in some hanging baskets so they can't reach the poor plants.
Well, I don't think it was the deer anyway, but I suppose it could be just about anything.... If they still get eaten in the baskets I guess we will know it wasn't the bunnies after all!
I was hoping that at least one of the two clumps had been left untouched. Nope! This clump was almost pure purple and seeing to be doing wonderfully over by my new shade garden area.
I guess I've got more work to do today. Will it ever end?
Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
That's a bummer.
egads. I'd be cursing too. I have some bunnies around but they don't cause too much destruction ~ maybe you have lots more?? or maybe it is deer instead?? Sooner or later you're bound to catch the culprit in the act!
ARGH! is right! What a crime!!! But at least they left the plants themselves, and yes, I think they'll rebloom and go on to live for many more years... assuming no one eats them... But grrrr!!!! Talk about frustrating.
I'm SO sorry something ate your lovely flowers - that's just awful!
Anna--Flowergardengirl here--I think it was deer--and you need lots of hot chili pepper!! Cayene Pepper. Sprinkle it often especially if it rains. They look like they need a good dose of fertilizer too. They will come back and bloom soon since they were trimmed so nicely;)
If dh agrees---I could have a new blog up this weekend on typepad. Hugs to ya!
Hi everyone. I am thinking it must have been deer. Looking at the pots, they are just too high off the ground for the bunnies to have gotten ALL of them. They would have only been able to munch the edges. Naughty boogers.
I was rather quick to blame the bunnies, but I saw one hopping around this morning. It seems easier to blame what you see than anyone else. I'll get something figured out though.
After this post I went to check on my other plants and the squirrels dug up my bulbs. I was only able to find 3 of them to replant. Not sure what happened to the rest of them.
I did lots more work on our new memorial garden this morning, but the transplants I put in there are so small that I'll wait until later this summer to post the pictures so you can see the progression.
Anna- That's great news. I hope he agrees. Is typepad a free blog?
Looks like I've got lots of fertilizing to do.
So sorry about the mean critter that messed with your pretties! They got a pretty extreme haircut!
A bunny ate my newly planted phlox yesterday! Then the chipmunks or squirrels dug up all my planted bulbs....the stinkers!
No matter what the mean stinkers do to my plants or what the naughty boogers do to yours we will continue to get out there and sweat our buns off to create some beauty!
We are gardeners! We are nuts!
It might have been the squirrels, but I bet it was the deer (the lousy, rotten wood goats!). Get some spray repellant, Bobbex, Liquid Fence, Deer Off, and rotate them on the plants. At this time of year, that should be enough to encourage them to forage elsewhere.
Gail- Yes those deer do give pretty extreme haircuts, don't they. There are so many critters around here it's hard to keep track of who is eating what!
MMD- Do deer dig up bulbs? I'll have to get something to keep all of the animals away from my plants. Something has to save my plants from the beasts!
Doggoned critters!
I think it was a combination of all of God's hungry animals! LOL, sorry, I thought this stuff only happened to me! Each year I head to my Mom's and spend lots of money planting and within a weeks time the bunnies ate it all! I think they hate marigold's for some reason so you could plant all kinds of those, they do have a lot of sizes and varieties :)...that doesn't help does it? :)
That's for sure. Maybe they got together and decided it was a buffet line. Reminds me of the song "All God's Critters (Got a Place in the Choir)". Except my version would have to be called "All God's Critters (Can Eat Pretty Flowers)". Hmm, maybe I'd get a gold record from writing that song! NOT!
I do have some marigolds, but they aren't doing too great. I left the kids in charge of the poor lovelies.
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