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More Happy Surprises!

It has been a wonderful weekend. While having company did keep me away from the computer, it didn't stop me from having a great weeekend.

We went to town to bring Cheesehead his lunch and drop of Son's football equipment. While we were at Menard's we found out that the had marked down the plants once again. I went out to the garden shop to see what was there since I have a few new places in my garden that need to be filled in. I ended up buying a crabapple tree, 2 pine trees (like we needed more of those!), and 3 knockout roses. Do you know how much I spent on all of that? $17.90! I was very pleased. Now I have some perrenials to plant where I had filled space in with the annuals. There were other roses there for $1 that I briefly toyed with buying but decided not to be too greedy. I sure hope that crabapple tree isn't just an ornamental one, I want to have an apple orchard.

Last night MIL's sister and BIL came over to have dinner. Her hubby was fascinated by my Great Aunt's victrola that I have. We chatted about it quite a while. I have been dissappointed that I haven't been able to open it and show it to the kids since I got it from Dad's. The latch was stuck and I couldn't unlock the top to play the records. The handle to wind it up was also out of place, it was more than a bit frustrating. He is into antiques and helped me to get it working again. We listened to a couple of records on it and read the intruction manual. It's really a neat machine! We had a wonderful visit and I got another piece of my family back into my life. All of that time spent peeling apples and potatoes and frying chicken was time well spent.

MIL left a while ago, so I guess I should get outside to do some more planting before it starts raining.

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Sounds like a great day. I am glad you got the record player working. I bet that is really fun! I love those old timers!
The plants shopping sounds wonderful too. I love getting deals!!!!!(-: I bought a fern at the grocery store yesterday! It was only 5 dollars and I thought that was a super deal. Its huge! Its a houseplant variety but I love ferns. Maybe next summer I can set it in the shade outside and see how it does!!!
Have a great day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, you sure got a deal on those plants. I hope the Crab apple is for real. They sure make good jelly.
So nice you had a good visit. Family is what it's about.

Rick said...

Sometimes it's nice to have In-laws. A few of mine are more liek Out-laws.

lisa said...

New plants? Yay! Have fun planting in the nice cool weather!