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Christmas Blessings

The last few days I've been consumed with the "bad" things that came with our Christmas celebration this year. I need to make a concerted effort not to be so negative, I know.

I just wanted to take a minute to share with you some of the wonderful blessings we have received while the kids have been on vacation.

1. GOD- He has given us so much that we could not have without his outpouring of love to us. I won't go into too much detail here, but I will tell you that God answers prayers.

2. FUN- I took them sledding at Seroka field. I even took a couple of turns down the hill. I forgot how cold that snow spray can be. Brrr!

3. FAMILY- MIL and BIL were able to come and spend Christmas with us this year. Unfortunately mom had to work on Christmas and Cheesehead worked both the day before and the day after so we couldn't travel. Thanks God for the telephone, even if we couldn't spend the day together we could still catch up over the wires.

4. FRIENDS- While we didn't get to spend time with any of them on Christmas I cherish the memories of times passed with them. They have helped me through so much and supported me when I didn't think I could go on.

5. FOOD- Some people are not lucky enough to be able to eat their fill. While there may be times that the kids don't like what I have made we still have enough for all of us to eat if they choose to eat it. It's easier to choose to be hungry than to have it forced upon us.

6. SHELTER- We have a protected, secure place for us to live and sleep in. We feel safe here too. Could we ask for more?

7. CLOTHING- Even if we can't afford all of the latest fashions we have clothes to wear and protect us from the elements. We can't all be fashion plates, can we?

8. WARMTH- Not everyone can afford the things they need to stay warm. Some people aren't even fortunate enough to have a warm place to take shelter in, warm blankets, or a fire to warm them. While we may complain about the high costs of heating and having to lower the thermostat at times, we are not out in the cold.

9. HEALTH- Okay, maybe we aren't the picture of perfect health. There are definately things we can do to stay healthy and reduce our risks for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The point is we have every opportunity to lead a long and healthy life, all we have to do is reach out and embrace the opportunities that abound.

10. GIFTS- Santa was VERY good to us this year. We got everything on our wishlist, well except the camera but I'll survive. We are so very lucky! We didn't even have to finance anything this year. Cheesehead and I didn't exchange gifts with each other so we could afford to help Santa with the expensive gift the kids wanted.

We also got all 3 appliances that we wished for, now if my garden provides an abundance of food next year we'll be all set (except for figuring out how to work with our new "toys"). Cheesehead got two pairs of pants and a brand new pair of shoes too. I don't think we could have asked for more.

Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



tina said...

Best wishes for the greatest New Year for you Cinj.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cinj, it is good to be thankful for our blessings and your list is proof of that. Just thinking about the things that make us happy, friends, family, safety is cheering. Let us look to the coming year to be the best one ever!

Anonymous said...

It is good to take a look at the bright side of life and count your blessings from time to time. A lot of us have those same blessings and we forget about them. I'm glad Santa was good to you this year!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are nice positive affirmations.
Hubby and I didn't exchange gifts this year either and we usually get a family gift but we were too late for the wii, can't find one yet! Good luck with your appliances I have some I've not totaly figured out yet, one is my SUV!

Unknown said...

Tina- Thanks. I hope you have a wonderful new year too.

Frances- Here, here!

Kathleen- It's easy for us to forget our blessings when you live in a society like we do. We take so many things for granted, it's pitiful really.

Dawn- You know how we got our wii? Cheesehead's friend's husband works at a store that sells them. That man's friend in electronics told him when they came in, he picked it up for us and we paid him back. I don't think we would have got one if we didn't have a system like that figured out.

Shady Gardener said...

Cinj, What a positive way to look towards 2009! I appreciate the reminder to find the positives... the blessings... on a day-to-day basis. :-) Thanks.