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GBBD April 2009

Before I start, I'd like to say a big thank you Carol of May Dreams Gardens for hosting the monthly garden bloggers bloom day on the 15th of every month. I like to see what's growing around the world. It's especially great when my garden is bloom less. I never realized how long I went without blooms before....

Now you're probably wondering what's blooming in my yard. Come, take a peek!

Umm, nothing. At least there are signs of life though....

The stores just got a scant amount of flowers in the other day but I had no money to buy any. I'll just have to be patient for my current plants to begin growing. There are only two perennials that have started to awaken from their winter slumber. This one is filling in wonderfully, but you could barely see the green of the bleeding heart even in an extreme close up so I left it out.

Well, I guess there is a pussy willow showing off it's fuzziness.

Another month has passed and the snow is finally almost gone. The temps are warming steadily and the yard is now no longer muddy. Hurrah!

Time to start putting in those new vegetable gardens in raised beds. Then there's the herb garden I want to start. Don't forget the back yard landscaping. I hope my plans aren't too overly ambitious. Something tells me that they are....

The tulips are slowly awakening and stretching into the warming sunshine.

Look at the ground near that tulip, do you see more evidence left by the Easter bunny? Or is that from the naughty bunny that lives under my shed?

Some of the buds are swelling a little. Usually they're a bit more full right now, but we're in a severe drought. Maybe I shouldn't have wished away all of that extra snow that was threatening us earlier this spring.

I sure hope it rains soon.

I'm a bit confused about the temperature.

This thermometer says it's about 70, but my other one seems to disagree...

it says the temp is about 40. Do either of them work?

At least my body can tell me it's warm enough not to have to wear a jacket. The flies were a buzz in the warm afternoon of sunshine. It seemed like the yard was alive with swarms of flies. I guess that means the toads should be fat and happy this year. A couple of them landed on one of the wooden tulips offering a wonderful photo op.

Thank you for stopping by to chat with me. Please leave me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts!



our friend Ben said...

Our tulips haven't opened yet, either, Cinj, if that's any consolation! as for the bunny pellets, just try to remember that they're perfectly balanced (and perfectly contained) garden fertilizer! No snow! Happy spring!!!

tina said...

Yeah the snow is nearly gone! Soon you'll be enjoying a real spring.

Dawn said...

Your yard looks like my yard, some snow, very little mud left. A short tease with spring because temperature seems off and on, more off then on! The end is near!

joey said...

Patiently waiting for many favorites to bloom here ... a bit slow but the weekend looks wonderful as I hope your will be.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I bet you are glad to see bare ground, that's a start! At least your tulips are coming up!

Blossom said...

Soon you'll have so many blooms, I'm sure. It won't be long. This waiting for spring is interesting. At least for me, 'cause we don't have those 4 seasons like you.

Barbee' said...

I love to watch the willows wake up in the spring as they turn pale green.

Dee/reddirtramblings said...

Ah, but what would we do without ambition? I always plant more than I can eat, or keep the weeds away from. Hope you start to see some blooms soon Cinj. It won't be long now.~~Dee

Anonymous said...

Looks like Spring is trying to come to your garden Cinj, it won't be much longer with the melting of the snow. :) Good luck with all your projects, my list is pretty ambitious too, lol.

lisa said...

Your spring and mine seem to be moving at the same pace. I completely spaced on Bloom Day this time...better get with it for next month!

donna said...

I never thought of including bunny droppings in a blog post. Very cute! I saw a big bunny in the yard a few days ago and I know he was checking out my Aster....he eats it every year, but it keeps coming back. I enjoy seeing what's happening in your yard and your sense of humor.

Gail said...

Cinj, Spring is coming early for you this year! I am glad to see your snow is gone...let's hope it stays gone! gail

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Cinj, look at all those trees! Your tulips will be blooming soon. I have some like that, too, and some that were like that on the 15th are about to open.

Waiting is so hard! We had a good rain today, and now it is 67 and the sun is getting through the clouds. It's nice to be outside.

Kathleen said...

Hi Cinj! You always have lots of projects and I am amazed at what you get done. I bet you accomplish quite a bit on your list this year too. I'm glad your snow is almost gone (or maybe all gone by now). I wish I could send you a little of our rain. We were dry too before this three day deluge. Too bad it's all or nothing, right? Happy spring.
PS My tulips aren't blooming yet either. Soon for both of us tho I bet!

Unknown said...

Ben- Good to know. They're sure coming up now though! I plan on laeving the pellets though I think I will shift the mulch to get them closer to the soil.

Tina- Yup. Snow's gone. We had a few wonderful 70 degree days... and now it's snowing. Oh well, we need the water so I'll take it in whatever form I get!

Dawn- I think we finally found it. Yay end. Bring on the spring!

Joey- It's so hard to be patient, isn't it?

Catherine- I was getting happier every day as more ground emerged from under the snow pile. It's nice to feel that spring has truly arrived.

Amy- I guess there are ups and downs of 4 seasons. What do you have 2?

Barbee- They are interesting, aren't they? I don't remember having any before, I wonder where they came from?

Dee- Well, if we didn't plant more than we could eat then we'd probably have a bad year and not get enough.

Raquel- I think many of us tend to be overly amibitious, but that's half the fun.

Lisa- Yeah, we live pretty close (compared to distance to other garden bloggers anyway). I see you'll be getting lots of nice rain today. I'm getiing gobbs of snow. Oh well, any precip is better than none at all!

Donna- Well, I had to! After that wonderful Easter basket it seemed like a prefect tie in.

Gail- It's snowing because of your comment. LOL. Spring snow doesn't last long though.

Sue- It's great to get out into the garden after a long cold winter, isn't it? Hoping my tulpis will be blooming for next bloom day.

Kathleen- Always something going on up here to keep me busy. LOL. You should have seen me out in the snow this morning, I bet the neighbors thought I was crazy. We had a nice steady all day drizzle yesterday so I was pretty happy! Now we're getting snow....