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Stamp Out Hunger

I just remembered that tomorrow is Stamp Out Hunger Day. You may have forgotten too, so here's your reminder! It's a rather new phenomenon that our wonderful US postal carriers participate in one day per year. You may want to check to see if your local post office participates.

If you don't know what it is, I'd be happy to tell you about it.

We can leave a bag of non-perishable food items by our mailbox before our usual delivery occurs tomorrow morning. I like plastic to use bags for this purpose because it helps to protect the contents inside from the elements.

When the mail is delivered, your postal carrier will pick up the bag(s) of food and the post office will bring the bags of food to your local food shelf.

It's a great way to help keep the food shelves supplied because many people seem to forget about sending food or money to the food shelves when there isn't a big local food drive of some sort going on. I have heard that the utilization of food shelves is far higher now than it has been in past years. I am sure that this economic downturn is a major cause of this need.

I will donate some of our pantry staples tomorrow since we will soon have an abundance of fruits and vegetables to feed my kids from our wonderful new veggie garden. I don't plan on feeding my family much prepackaged food soon anyway if I can talk Cheesehead into following this whole Maker's Diet that I've been reading about. God will provide us with what we need just as he does the chipmunks, rabbits, birds, bears, deer, and squirrels.

It's amazing how many people forget that simple things like soap, ketchup, noodles, bbq sauce, and baked beans don't need to come from cans, boxes, or jars. I used to be one of those people. I'm glad I'm not anymore. Here's hoping that I find enough time to take care of my family, myself, AND my plants throughout this season as well as trying to make healthier versions of commercial products for my family. I'm going to have my hands full, aren't I?

Thank you for stopping by to chat with me. Please leave me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts!



our friend Ben said...

Thanks for a very timely reminder, Cinj! I've got to go into Kutztown tomorrow morning and I'll make sure to pack up another bag to take to our local bank, which has a constant food collection going.

Dawn said...

Our post office partispates in this day, it's a awesome thing!

garden girl said...

Our post office is in our tiny downtown, and they've had signs around there for about a week, with big barrels outside the post office and in the sculpture garden center of (our one-block long) downtown - no excuses for forgetting around here. The food pantries really need support, these days probably more than ever.

Happy Mother's Day Cinj!