In the course of our discussion over our lunch from the local BK, he happened to share with me the fact that their flowering bulbs were 75% off. He knew I had been eyeing up some bulbs but managed to restrain myself from buying any of them earlier in the season. I mentioned that I'd go check them out before I got the stuff he needed me to get to put in the work car's gas tank. I don't imagine he'd really thought about what a hog I would be after browsing for a few minutes.
They had such a wide variety of the lovely plants left I just couldn't resist their alluring temptations. At around $1 or $2 per package it was much harder to just say no. Look what followed me home!
I guess this means I have some more to do out in the garden before the ground freezes. I will be planting these honeys this weekend. I was thinking about waiting to move and divide some plants needing division until next spring but now I'm not so sure. Should I just get all of the beds done now so I can have a little more time to relax in the spring? I also want to mark where they were planted so they can come with me if/when we sell this house. We keep wavering with that decision. We love this house but hate his new commute. With two homes out of 6 already for sale in the neighborhood we know we won't be selling it this fall or winter.
Someone came by the display I set up to see what was going on. I think we may know which one is the plant eater... what do you think?
Thank you for stopping by to chat with me. Please leave me a message, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Looks like I need to check the mark down's this weekend! You made a haul! Have fun!!
Oh dear, I will not dare look at the garden areas of any stores. All I need is to drag home more bulbs ;-)
Have a good weekend Cindj.
What a great haul, Cinj! I'd be tempted to go on and plant them(marking the locations and varieties, of course) so you wouldn't have to worry about getting them in the ground if something else came up and you couldn't get to rearranging the others first. You can always move them next year after they flower and die back if you don't like where you've put them! And actually, I think both cats are expressing a very healthy interest in the goings-on. Priceless!
I have many bulbs to plant still, good thing I didn't see more on sale. As much as I love the bulbs when they bloom, it's not one of my favorite things to plant. It's going to be gorgeous at your house in spring.
Brooke- Now I won't have to tell people how I wish I had bought some bulbs last fall when spring rolls around, right? Good luck on your quest!
Lona- Good idea, it's a bit too easy to get carried away there when you find deals like those!
Ben- Yeah, I probably will. I don't want to disturb those other plants too late in the season anyway. My plans for tomorrow include lots of bulb planting!
Catherine- I just hope the critters don't dig them all up and run off with them like they did the last time I attempted to plant bulbs. Wish me luck!
I know what you mean about the critters. I arranged my bulbs the way I wanted them, but now each spring I find a red tulip here, one there, and others scattered about where I never planted any.
Hi Cindy! I would so have gotten them, too! I am not a'll find me running around the yard next week looking for good places to plamnt all the bulbs I bought! gail
Barbee- At least if they get replanted and come up we can still enjoy them. I don't like when the bulbs get eaten and I can't even enjoy the flowers.
Gail- I really had to scramble. I got tired of planting though so some of the bigger packs had to go back to the store.
It's cool they had that many left for you to get the 75% off on. I'm glad to read in your more recent post that you got them planted. I got some when they were 25% off at one place, and 50% off at another. I got them planted before it got too cold. Our November was warm, but the cold temps are here now.
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