For example yesterday... Here we are building our shed (what else would a person do on a day off together?) when I notice these things growing in low bushes all around the shed.
What are they? I have no idea. I asked Cheesehead. He is clueless as well since he has been a town kid all of his life too. I just had to take a picture and ask my cyber buds. I'm sure someone out there is less clueless than us!
I reached out and felt it. That bristly looking surface is really a soft fuzz. I could have run my fingers over it all day, it was really a neat sensation to touch. As you can see the leaves are serrated. The bushes are between 3 and 4 feet tall on average I would guess. They grew in groups of two mostly. Of course I tooka picture of one with a blemish, silly me! Most of them are solid green. If I was forced to choose something to name it I would say it's some sort of nut, although I could be completely off base here. When I squeezed the bulbous portion it was very hard inside, almost like an acorn feeling thing.
Anyone willing to help a poor clueless town girl out here?
Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a message and a backlink. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I don't know either but your post reminds me of euell gibbons! The Grape Nuts guy. So I am going to go out on a limb and guess wild hickory nuts? Just a guess.(-: You did say it felt like a nut(-:
I have no idea but I'm going to check back because I'm interested in learning... it's very cool looking whatever it is.
I think hickory nuts grow on hickory trees. But, this surely is a puzzle to me. Don't remember ever seeing anything like it down south. Hope someone knows and tells us.
Mystery to me! I will be anxious to know though....
Is it a seedpod or the bud? Can't really tell. If no one can help wait a bit and post some more pics later. We'll figure it out.
check out this picture. Said it was hickory nuts
Whoops that was
guess that is what it is not hickory nuts.
the other link didn't come through right so I am trying again. It looks the same as your picture so it probably is hazelnuts...???
grrr still didn't one more time...
What an interesting nut! You are having all kinds of horticultural adventures in the new yard! We get to learn along with you!
I copied and pasted that link and it worked fine. When I saw the picture I thought, well! it sure is. I like that kind of nut, too. I had never seen a bush or photo of one. Hope you get some and the squirrels don't get them all. Great find, cinj. Cindee, good idea to search for the hazelnut. Good photo. Did anyone read the book Watership Downs? I loved it years ago. The main character was named Hazel.
Cindee- Wow! You've sure been busy today. How did you find those pictures? I'm horrible at internet searches, I can never find anything I set out to look for.
Gail- I'm glad you can join me for this great learning adventure. Isn't it fun? I like finding all of this stuff. It's amazing what you see when you open your eyes to the world!
Barbee- Yup, I think it is too. Mine is probably just less developed than the one in the picture. Neat! I've never read it, is Hazel a nut or something? j/k, I just had to be silly.
I googled wild hickory nuts. LOL then I googled what kind of nuts grow on bushes. Hazel nuts came up. Thats it(-: I have fun searching for things online. You never know what you might find out.
Sure looks like a hazelnut to me Cinj! Lucky you! They're yummy!
Cindee, you crack me up! Thanks for reminding me of that guy. . . 'tastes like wild hickory nuts!'. . . LOL!
I was waiting to find out what it was---Bravo Cindee. I've never tasted one that I know of.
Great research Cindee! You solved the mystery!
I find them in cans of mixed nuts. They have their own distinctive flavor.
Ha, ha, cinj, nope, he was a rabbit. Watership Down is a delightful book that can be read on any level of maturity and sophistication! By British author Richard Adams and Published in 1972, Watership Down has never been out of print and was the recipient of several prestigious awards.
The story is based on a collection of tales that Adams told to his young children to pass the time on trips to the countryside. Bookish me... I read it during my one and only trip to Las Vegas. Husband said I was the only person he knew who would read a book in L.V. I was down to the last 100 pages and couldn't wait to read them. It was much more interesting than all that other stuff going on there that I was not interested in. He was there for a meeting and I just went along for the ride.
Cindee- Hmm, I tried to google by describing the look of the nut. I guess it may have been too much information or something.
Linda- They are, I'll have to try to get to a few before the squirrels get them all. Better the nuts than my bulbs though!
Barbee- Well, i think I'd be right there reading with you. There's nothing better than a good book. I'm not too interested in gambling, but I wouldn't mind catching a couple of shows if I ever went.
We did get to see a show. Only one with tickets available was Liberace. Remember him? You may be too young. Anyway, I never cared for Liberace, but I was pleasantly surprised; he was very entertaining and put on a good show that I did enjoy.
wow, a hazel nut, I never would have thought! Congrats to Cindee for figuring that out!!
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